My Aunt Kathy’s Inspiring Story
A close friend of my family, Vaden Earle, recently posted an article on his site about my Aunt Kathy and her inspiring story of how she became healthy again after years of being overweight and...
View ArticleR.I.P Hostess
Yes, Dr. Venkman, what about the Twinkie indeed. The Twinkie, as well as ho ho’s, snowballs, and ding-dongs are unfortunately coming to an end. Well, kinda. Hostess retail stores will remain open in...
View ArticleCheck out this poor guy
Here we have a very unfortunate day for the Cereal Leaf beetle. To the left, we see a parasitoid wasp called Tetrastichus julis, has laid it’s eggs inside the larvae of the beetle, which shall...
View ArticleToo soon?…Little Debbie apparently doesnt care…
Little Debbie, not even waiting until the Twinkie corpse of Hostess is cold… HOW DARE YOU!
View ArticleHello there Mr. Krampus
Santa Claus has brought joy to children for generations and will continue to do so for many more! The iconic symbol was molded after Saint Nicholas, a 4th century Greek saint and Bishop of Myra (...
View ArticleLife is a Game: Level Up!
Motivation is not my strong point. This time of year, the world likes to remind us that it’s time to get off our butts and work off those holiday pounds. I don’t normally make new year’s resolutions,...
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